Styling My Everyday

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The Ultimate (Skinny) Margarita

My favorite cocktail is a good Margarita. Emphasis on the good. To me, a good margarita doesn't include sweet-and-sour mix. I love me some cheap greasy Mexican but most of those restaurants serve pitchers of premixed Margaritas that are bright green in color and chalked full of sugar—yuck!

Tequila, lime and agave. That's how you make a Margarita. The level of difficulty is low and the ingredients are few, but paying close attention to the details (and the ingredients) is essential. Skip the triple-sec, this super easy Margarita will become your (and your friends) favorite drink.


The single most important ingredient is fresh lime juice. Use any gadget you like (this citrus juicer is one of my favorite kitchen gadgets, I use it ALL the time)—just don't use that store bought lime juice. For parties, juice the limes ahead of time and fill a squeeze bottle to keep it ready.


The second most important ingredient in a Margarita is tequila. Always drink tequila made from 100 percent blue agave. It just tastes better. In Margaritas, use only blanco (aka silver or white) tequilas, which have a peppery, vegetal kick that won't get buried when mixed.

Instead of triple sec, I prefer light agave syrup for its complementary flavors (and shared origin) with tequila. Now, I don't love salt on my Margarita BUT if you do, only salt halfway around the rim and be careful not to get any in the drink.


We had fajita night over the weekend (check back tomorrow for my guacamole recipe) so Margaritas were a must. I was so excited to use my new Mason Shaker! They are a must-follow on Instagram (@masonshaker) for their amazing photography and great cocktail ideas.

Mason Shaker Margarita

Here's my Ultimate Margarita recipe which just happens to be low calorie which I guess makes it the Ultimate SKINNY Margarita!

See this menu in the original post

Cheers! Don't forget to come back tomorrow for my Guac recipe!