As we move into the season of summer entertaining, backyard barbecues, ladies luncheons, and kids parties will fill our calendars. It’s so important to be a gracious guest and when someone goes out of their way to feed and entertain you, show your gratitude with a little something for the host.
Among my favorite things about being a kid were the campfires my family built on cool summer evenings. I remember how we would search the yard for the perfect sticks that we would later use to toast fluffy marshmallows. Once their snow-white skins turned golden brown and their insides gooey, we'd sandwich them together with chocolate bars between graham crackers and devour the fire-kissed confections always asking for “s’more.”
I made a huge batch of homemade granola for the bridesmaid's brunch we recently hosted (check it out here) and had a couple of jars left over. I have been finding all kinds of ways to use it including these incredible Banana Crunch Muffins.